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Community Capacity Development

The Community Capacity Development team, work with the WA community, including local, state and federal government to design programs and projects that support people with disability and their family through building linkages that expand choice, bring people together and foster a supportive community across barriers.

The team use lived experience to raise awareness and challenge assumptions about disability through community forums, consultations, committees, forums and focus groups.

The team’s scope includes:

Community Champions Program

Carers WA Community Champions are people with lived experience of disability who act as mentors and support for local community groups and organisations to better improve access and inclusion within their local community. Community champions can be found from Perth through to Albany.

If you are interested in becoming a Community Champion or getting in contact with a Community Champion in your area, please email champions@carerswa.asn.au.

Disability and Employment Program

The Carers WA Disability and Employment program has now concluded, however, the information and tools can still be accessed through the link below. The program aimed to assist employers to build capacity within their workplace to become more inclusive and accessible in supporting the employment of people with diverse abilities.

Information and Tools to Support Employers 

NDIS Toolkits

In addition to the information the team are able to provide above for ageing carers, toolkits for young carers navigating NDIS and family members/friends caring for someone with a mental health challenge are available below.