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Your Way Toolkit

Gaining independence is a road of a thousand small steps and this guide will explore many of the things you may have to do for the first time. This may be anything from moving out of home, getting a driver’s licence, buying your first car, setting up a bank account, finding support workers as well as other important topics.

‘Your Way’ provides you with information to help you achieve your goals and reach your full potential and independence. The ‘Your Way’ booklet is available in print and an online version, making it more accessible and user friendly.

This resource covers a range of topics and situations that young adults will need to navigate, as they find their place within the community.

Topics include:

• Education pathways after high school
• Exploring employment opportunities
• Being involved in your community
• Learning how to drive
• Budgeting and finances

The Your Way toolkit is available in print and online. Download your copy here.

We understand that the transition to life after high school can be filled with uncertainties, to help ease this transition, we have created additional resources for you to use and share below:

For more information please contact us at CCDTeam@carerswa.asn.au