

Carers WA Conference – Call for Abstracts

The organising committee is inviting the submission of abstracts for the Carers WA Conference 2024. Conference delegates will attend in person OR online.  Over 300 delegates are expected to attend, comprising of carers, service providers, advocates, health professionals and people who are a combination thereof. Carers WA encourages you to submit an abstract for yourRead more

How does caring impact relationships?

Being an unpaid carer can have a profound effect on relationships. It can build a deeper understanding of what someone is going through, bringing you closer together with the person you are caring for and those around you as you navigate challenges together. It can also put strain on relationships. The added responsibilities, changes inRead more

Paw Pals for Carers K9 Program

Carers WA would like to introduce an exciting new initiative: the Paw Pals for Carers K9 Program. This novel pilot program is designed to provide a rewarding experience for carers. One of the unique aspects of this program is the incorporation of interaction with dogs, as well as an opportunity to connect with other carers,Read more

Carer vs. Support Worker: Knowing the Difference

Using the term ‘carer’ correctly ensures that we accurately represent the sacrifices and contributions of unpaid carers while also acknowledging the important work of professional ‘support workers’. Here are some tips on how to use the term ‘carer’ correctly. 1. Understanding the Term ‘Carer’ A ‘carer’ is anyone who provides unpaid support to a familyRead more

Cooking Up A Healthy Mindset

We’re thrilled to welcome you to “Cooking Up A Healthy Mindset”, a unique fusion of a cookbook and a wellness guide, lovingly created by the Carers WA Youth Advisory Group. This book has been designed to align with the theme of Youth Week 2024 “Head, Body, Heart” and is dedicated to all of you –Read more