

Royal Perth Bentley Group Comprehensive Care Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to ensure the organisation meets the components of the Comprehensive Care operational plan, monitoring and performance schedules, and provide clinical governance for delegated elements of the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Comprehensive Care Standard, second edition actions, the National Standards for Mental Health Services (NSMHS) and theRead more

Royal Perth Bentley Group – Morbidity and Mortality Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to: Oversee critical reviews of systems, processes, evaluations, and outcomes of patient care To ensure the organisation meets the components of the NPH operational plan, monitoring and performance schedules, and provide clinical governance for delegated elements of the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Clinical Governance Standard, oRead more

Royal Perth Bentley Group – Communicating for Safety Committee

The purpose of this committee is to ensure the organization meets the components of the Communicating for Safety operational plan, monitoring and performance schedules, and provide clinical governance for delegated elements of the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Communicating for Safety Standard, second edition, and the National Standards for Mental Health Services, specificallyRead more

St John of God Hospital (Midland) Blood Management Committee

A Carer Representative is required for the SJOG (Midland) Blood Management Committee. Carer experience required: We are seeking consumers/carers who have a desire to enhance the patient experience at our hospital. Ideally they will have been a patient or supported a family member or friend during their hospital stay. Applications are strongly encouraged from peopleRead more

St John of God Hospital (Midland) Preventing & Controlling Infection Committee

The purpose of the SJOG (Midland) Preventing & Controlling Infections Committee is: To design and implement systems that support and promote the prevention and control of healthcare associated infections, and improve antimicrobial stewardship. To review, monitor and evaluate systems to prevent, manage and control infections and antimicrobial resistance; reduce harm for patients, consumers and membersRead more