

Home First Nations Wellbeing Program Gwabba Koort Yarning (Good Heart Talking)

Gwabba Koort Yarning (Good Heart Talking)

Carers WA respects the diversity and inclusion of First Nations Peoples. Our organisation is on a journey to encourage healing in the caring role. We want to welcome yarning sessions by sitting, listening, and learning from the people.

Come along and enjoy some healing time. Yarn together, share culture, storytelling, listening, learnings, healing activities and food. Carers of all ages are welcome.

Where: 574 Cockman Cross, Stratton

Meeting Times:
Every Friday. Drop in anytime during 10.30am to 1.30pm

How to get involved

To register your interest or for further questions about this service, please contact:
Vanessa Corunna – Carers WA Manager for First Nations Wellbeing & Engagement

Phone: 044 881 6258
Email: Vanessa.Corunna@carerswa.asn.au