
Carer Representation Vacancies

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Carer Representation Vacancies


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Department of Health

Quarterly (ie. every 3 months)

Manage My Care Working Group (MMC WG)

The MMC WG will be a collaborative group providing strategic advice and support for the planning, delivery, and evaluation of the Manage My Care (MMC) Project. Manage My Care is a free app and web portal which enables patients and carers to digitally track their WA Health public outpatient appointments and referrals at times convenient to them.

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Department of Health

Wednesdays, every 4 weeks

WA Health Central Human Research Ethics Committee

The primary role of the WA Health Central HREC is to protect the welfare and rights of participants in human research projects conducted within the WA Health System and does so in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2023.

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South Metro Health Service

2-year commitment, meeting monthly.

Peel Health Campus Consumer Advisory Committee

Peel Health Campus (PHC) is committed to partnering with consumers to ensure a patient-centered approach to service planning, delivery, and evaluation, and to ensure that the consumer voice is heard, acknowledged, and valued.

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North Metro Health Service

Monthly - Every 4th Monday

Women & Newborn Health Service – Diversity & Inclusion Committee (DAIC)

The Women and Newborn Health Service (WNHS) Diversity and Inclusion (the Committee) will improve consumer access and experience by overseeing the identification, implementation, and evaluation of systems, processes, and strategies associated with providing a welcoming, supportive, and inclusive service at WNHS for all consumers.

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Department of Health

The groups are expected to meet several times a year for the life of the project.

New Women’s and Babies Hospital Project Community Advisory Group

Project Community Advisory Groups (PCAGs) provide an opportunity for community members, consumers, carers, and families to share their experience to help shape the New Women and Babies Hospital Project (NWBHP) facilities.

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East Metro Health Service


AKG (Armadale Kalamunda Group) Carer & Consumer Representative Pool

•To improve services provided to the community the hospital serves. •There will be various opportunities to engage with different projects, committees, and service improvement initiatives. They would like to hear from those community voices that can add value to their service.

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