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Carers in Employment – Resume Writing Tips

Are you ready to kickstart your job search but not sure where to begin? According to data from the Australian Human Rights Commission, many carers, up to 36%, are interested in rejoining the workforce, often on a part-time basis, but feel held back due to their responsibilities as a carer. The good news is that you’re not alone!

In fact, 56% of all carers are either employed on a full or part-time basis or actively looking for work, compared to 68% of non-carers. Through our employment programs, Be Job Ready and Employment and Education Support for Carers, we can support you to transition into the next phase of your career. We’ll guide you through the crucial stage of presenting your resume to an employer.

Our dedicated Employment Coaches will work closely with you to identify your life skills, which can be translated into valuable assets for potential employers, especially in the caring and community-serving industries.

Now, let’s dive into some essential resume-building tips:

  1. Choose a readable font: Opt for a simple and easy-to-read font like Arial, Times New Roman, Tahoma, or Verdana. Keep fancy fonts, backgrounds, and images to a minimum.
  2. Keep it concise: Your resume should ideally be no longer than 3 pages, including your referees. Ensure you have at least 2 professional/work-related referees with up-to-date and accurate contact details.
  3. Customise your resume: Tailor your resume to each employer’s job advertisement. Pay special attention to highlighting any important and relevant key skills mentioned in the advert. Don’t forget to check their website for additional values or strengths you can incorporate.
  4. Organise chronologically: Present your work and education history in chronological order, starting with the most recent employment. Use bullet points and short, factual sentences.
  5. No gaps: Ensure your resume provides an accurate summary of your work and education history without unexplained gaps. Remove any irrelevant information, such as personal anecdotes or images.
  6. Proofread: Check for spelling and grammar errors, avoid jargon, and save the resume document with a professional title in Microsoft Word format.

Worried about significant gaps in your resume due to caring responsibilities? These can be easily addressed. In fact, being open and confident about your caring role, and even mentioning any volunteering or courses you undertook during that time, can demonstrate your eagerness to rejoin the workforce. You can describe your caring role by outlining key responsibilities, showcasing associated skills, and highlighting your personal attributes.

Your experience as a carer is important. A resume can also give you the opportunity to showcase your experience as a carer with transferrable skills and knowledge. Including this in your resume can demonstrate a commitment to caring that additionally encompasses compassion, organisation, advocacy skills, and many more.

To get in touch with one of our friendly Employment Coaches and find out more about these two programs, click here.
