

Planner lying open on a desk beside a vase of flowers

Planning for the unexpected as a carer

If you are a carer, it is essential that you plan for emergencies to help you and your loved one cope. Have you asked yourself, “what would the person I care for do if I suddenly had to go somewhere else for a while?” or “who would know what to do if I suddenly hadRead more

Had to leave your job due to caring responsibilities?

“70% of all carers took on a caring role because of a sense of family responsibility.” One of the main reasons primary carers took on their caring role – according to the 2018 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers – was due to a sense of family responsibility. Carers provide comfort and reassurance for theRead more

The Carer Gateway user journey – how does it work?

*The examples and names in this article are purely fictional for the representation of a user journey* If you are a Western Australian carer and have questions regarding the Carer Gateway process, we have created a user journey to help answer your questions about how each stage may look. Carers WA is proud to beRead more