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Had to leave your job due to caring responsibilities?

“70% of all carers took on a caring role because of a sense of family responsibility.”

One of the main reasons primary carers took on their caring role – according to the 2018 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers – was due to a sense of family responsibility. Carers provide comfort and reassurance for the loved one they care for, while also monitoring health, wellbeing and safety. Carers are integral in helping their loved one retain their independence and maximising their quality of life.

Each caring situation is different. Some carers provide 24-hour aid to a family member with high care needs. This type of responsibility can often lead to a reduction in hours at work or having to leave a job due to caring.

Is this something you had to do? If you have had to reduce hours at your job or leave work altogether due to your caring responsibilities there is support for you.

1. Call the Carer Gateway line

Calling the Carer Gateway line will allow you to speak to our Western Australian Carer Support Planners who will assist you in creating an action plan to achieve your goals and assist you in your caring situation. They can provide information on financial payments you may be able to access and will identify supports and services to help you in your caring journey.

The services Carer Gateway provide are:

  • Carer support planning
  • In-person peer support
  • In-person counselling
  • Carer Directed Packages
  • Respite care

Services are free to access for anyone looking after a family member or friend with disability, a medical condition, mental illness or someone who is frail aged. Learn more about Carer Gateway services on our webpage.

2. Use free online carer skill courses and coaching sessions to improve your skills

By using free online Carer Gateway tools to learn effective skills, techniques and tips, you have the opportunity to develop or brush up on practical essential skills. Modules include subjects such as “Effective communication techniques” or “Work/study/volunteering balance” which are accessible for you to do at home on your mobile, laptop or computer. View the “Free online skill modules and resources for carers” article to view the full range of courses you can complete.

3. Re-enter the workforce when ready through the Carers in Employment Program

People in a caring role can find it difficult to enter or maintain paid work. The Carers in Employment “Be job ready!” program assists carers to enter or re-enter employment. This program works with carers to review their caring role and their available supports alongside providing education and skills to be “job-ready”. To be eligible for this program, you need to be a carer or have been in a caring role within the last 12 months and be aged between 14 and 65.

Benefits of the program include practical job related skills and techniques, communication and social skills, and the opportunity to interact with other carers and local communities for networking and social connection purposes in a supportive group setting.
