

Women & Newborn Health Service – Communicating for Safety Committee

The Women and Newborn Health Service (WNHS) Communicating for Safety (the Committee) will improve clinical outcomes by aiming to ensure that there is effective communication between patients, carers and families, multidisciplinary teams and clinicians, and across the health service organisation. The committee oversees and promotes continuous, coordinated and safe care, including clinical handover, correct identificationRead more

Sir Charles Gairdner Osborne Park Healthcare Group (SCGOPHG)

Partnering with Consumers (NS2) Committee, which is the body that provides leadership and governance for various ways in which SCGOPHCG partners with healthcare consumers and how the organisation supports staff in meaningfully partnering with consumers. The work of the committee falls into the following categories: governance (reporting, monitoring and improvement), healthcare rights and informed consent,Read more

Joondalup Health Campus – Falls Prevention Working Group

Purpose: To review best practice falls prevention guidelines and incorporate into the strategic and point of care level Falls Prevention Program. The Falls Prevention meeting will work towards meeting the objectives of the Ramsay Health Care Patient Safety and Clinical Quality Framework and the Consumer Engagement Strategy, considering the impact on patient and staff safetyRead more

Joondalup Health Campus – Comprehensive Care Committee

The purpose of the subcommittee is to provide oversight of the systems and processes that support clinicians to deliver comprehensive care and in doing so prevent and manage specific risks of harm to patients during the delivery of health care. Carer experience required: Carer Representative with knowledge regarding any of the following topics: nutrition, cognitiveRead more

Joondalup Health Campus – Communicating for Safety Committee

Purpose: The purpose of the meeting is to provide oversight of the systems and processes that support effective communication with patients, carers and families; between multidisciplinary teams and clinicians; and across health service organisations. Carer experience required: Carer Representative with experience caring for an in-patient in a WA hospital. No need to be in JHCRead more